Tallis Amos Group are pleased to be able to offer a comprehensive range of Operator Training Courses and Machinery Testing, helping you and your operators to stay safe and get the most out of your machinery.
We are approved to conduct NSTS Sprayer and Spreader Tests, Thorough Examination Tests and Tilly Pass Trailer Tests, we are also a LANTRA and UK Rural Skills Approved training provider meaning we can carry out testing and training on the following machinery;
• Forklifts
• Telehandlers
• Wheeled Loaders
• Tractors
• Commercial Mowers
• ATV & Utility Vehicles
Course and Testing information and pricing can be found on the 'Equipment Testing & Operator Training' tabs to the right of the page
With over 1000 courses available in areas from Machinery Operator Training to Health & Safety and everything inbetween, In association with UK Rural Skills & Lantra we aim to service all your training needs for a successful business. If you have particular training requirements which aren’t listed here, please contact us and we’ll help you out
To book any of our TAG Operator Training courses, to arrange Machinery Testing or if you would like further information please call Pete Gash our Customer Support and Training Manager on 0345 222 0456 opt 2. or email training@tallisamos.co.uk